i heard somewhere
i didn’t read, (i don’t think?)
about geese & william styron
about geese & william styron & depression
i think it went that he knew
he was depressed because of the geese
that one morning
over the trees
over the james river
(i think?
maybe, it was evening?
maybe, it was his road?)
& the sound of their honking
the overwhelming resonance
of their collective sounding
didn’t rise with them
but overtook everything
& how this sight (no, not sight
more so this sound)
did nothing for him
did nothing to make
him feel
a single thing
& i remember my dad
for some reason
on the couch next to me
letting out a little laugh
i’ve heard the geese
these past few weeks
who rise in hoards
from the reaped
& plowed & furrowed fields
at dinnertime over my yard
over my bare trees
& their collective sounding
overtakes me because
it is a quality
of sound
i have never heard
not be human
not be plane
not be passing truck
not be fire siren
but a loud sound
of prehistory
of this place
that is now
my backyard
but the geese i hear
these past few weeks
are flying neither
north nor south but
in circles around
my house & back
to winter-ready fields
in a v
that is no v but
a cypher of birds
making new letters
for an alphabet
of these times
of eighty-degree
novembers in
new england
of these times
of not knowing
if going south
is too far south
or if here is even north
maybe it is the geese
now that are depressed like
i remember hearing william styron
was once in my dad’s laugh