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baked some eggs before my shift     left the oven on by mistake how magical of me to
preheat the winter

a patient with dementia says “I don’t think she’s going to make it”                   to heaven?

remote from me: husband and dog on the phone with the power company

I watch to see if my patient wants water         or TV

he empties out my purse and puts it all back together        I’m not concerned with a grown
man disassembling my items           no sharps in there      a half dozen pads and tampons

laundry day wearing brown and black and blue and red and it all works together regardless of

have fourteen books about living well in my car     some frozen chocolates instead of caffeine
I envy the cirrus so high and brief               he is supposed to have his feet up his heart so

I wish I could tell people I’m bloated and large because something is wrong with me     both
something is wrong with me and nothing at all

I pull a pinecone from a grown man’s mouth             I love myself too much to witness someone
try to swallow what is not edible

KP Kaszubowski

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